I’ve been looking for a main use for this blog… and I think I’ve got it. I believe this will be mainly used for the various cults and organizations that I come up with while dungeon mastering. Feel free to use them in your games, if you would like.
Faithful followers of Tiamat, who obey her tenants quite faithfully. This sounds like almost any other religion, except Tiamat demands that her followers take from others, and to hoard it for yourselves. This creates an entire cult of people attempting to steal from others.
Composition: This cult contains a large amount of separate races, from humans to kobolds to many… prideful Dragonborne. Worse yet, it is believed that chromatic dragons are in several high ranking positions, some for leadership, and some simply for heavy artillery. All in all, these are some of Tiamat’s best followers, making for a great group of antagonists.
Using these guys in a game: Want to have some moderately organized chromatic dragon followers? Here’s your cult! These guys have been known to invade dungeons and take them for themselves, bringing all of the heavy weapons they can drag. For high profile tasks, you can expect that a Dragon or two may come along for the ride, for crowd control.
Front lines usually consist of Kobolds, with a human berserker taking the lead. Human bandits often provide backup, in case the kobolds get plowed through. Winter ops units will often have an appropriately sized white dragon waiting in the shadows in case things go wrong. Dragonborn are often commanders, as their natural Charisma and strength makes them ideal leaders. Although they posses a large variety of character types the higher ranks contain a lot of paladins and fighters, due to them being the best at single combat. This is not a cult of Lloth, so treachery is not widely encouraged.
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